Free means “FREE” with our home energy audit.
- NO up-sale.
- NO charge for reports.
- No travel expenses.
- YES…FREE means FREE!!!
The Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority (OMPA), in conjunction with our 42 member cities, wants to help you improve your home energy usage with a FREE residential energy audit. . An average of two hours, depending on the size of your home, is all it takes for our courteous staff to assess your home. Within two weeks of your audit, you will receive a report, either by mail or email, containing the tips you need to improve your energy usage and help lower your cost.
To request your FREE energy audit you can do one of the following:
- Click on the link below and fill out the energy audit request form and submit it by email.
- Contact your municipal electric utility and request to have a residential energy audit performed.
In order to qualify for the FREE residential energy audit, you must be a residential customer in one of OMPA’s 42 member cities. To see if you qualify contact your municipal electric utility.
*In order to fill out and email the audit request form, you must first save the file to your desktop. Once downloaded and filled out, you should be able to click email form to submit it via email.
To request your FREE Residential Energy Audit, please fill out the form below.
Select which City/Town you are an electric customer of*
"*" indicates required fields